Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding
Dental Bonding 2018-04-14T13:11:48+00:00

Project Description

A Simple Treatment with Outstanding Results

Dental bonding provides you with an aesthetic solution. The treatment is quick, easy, and cost effective for repairing your stained, chipped, cracked, or damaged teeth.

Your bonding procedure uses tooth-colored resin to create a natural-looking restoration. The materials bond to your tooth enamel to fill your tooth gaps and improve the shape of your teeth.

Dental bonding provides a preventive solution also. The treatment helps reduce the risk of bacteria growth within your tooth gaps, fractures, or chips.

Your bonding procedure costs less than a dental crown or porcelain veneers. The treatment also requires less time than other restorative procedures.

Contact Dr. Damerau, your Palm Beach Gardens cosmetic dentist.