TMJ 2018-04-14T13:03:40+00:00

Project Description

Treat Your Jaw Pain and Preserve the Health of Your Teeth

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder produces pain in your head, neck, and jaw. Treatment for TMJ can treat your jaw alignment and prevent damage to your teeth.

TMJ pain is often associated with consistent headaches. The popping or clicking sound you hear when opening and closing your mouth is also a common result of the condition.

TMJ issues affect your jaw joints and the muscles in your face and neck regions. You can also experience teeth grinding (bruxism) or teeth misalignment (malocclusion) as a result of TMJ.

Your TMJ problems can be treated with a custom-designed and fitted mouth guard or a bite guard. This oral appliance will bring your jaw into proper alignment, eliminate your jaw pain, and prevent further tooth damage.

Contact Dr. Damerau, your Palm Beach Gardens dentist.