Porcelain Inlays

Porcelain Inlays
Porcelain Inlays 2018-04-14T13:10:38+00:00

Project Description

A Natural-Looking Tooth Repair

Porcelain inlays fill the interior surface of your damaged or decayed tooth. Your inlay is tooth-colored and can provide a more attractive repair solution than a standard dental filling.

Your inlay is applied to the inside portion of your tooth. The porcelain materials match your natural tooth color between the edges of your tooth’s cusp (edge).

Porcelain inlays are a restorative and cosmetic dental solution. Tooth cracks and fractures can be repaired without the cost and time associated with a dental crown.

Your inlay treatment is a long-lasting tooth restoration. An inlay can last up to 20 years with proper care.

Contact Dr. Damerau, your Palm Beach Gardens cosmetic dentist.