Porcelain Onlays

Porcelain Onlays
Porcelain Onlays 2018-04-14T13:11:43+00:00

Project Description

A Natural-Looking Solution for Restoring Your Tooth Function

Porcelain onlays restore your tooth function following tooth damage. Onlays repair the damage on the chewing surfaces of your teeth. Your onlay treatment restores your tooth following decay. Cavities and chipped or cracked teeth can be treated with porcelain onlays.

Treatment with onlays resembles dental inlays. Your porcelain onlay covers the chewing surface of your tooth and requires less tooth structure to be removed than a dental crown.

Porcelain onlays provide an attractive cosmetic dentistry solution. Each onlay is custom-crafted by a select dental lab and like inlays can last for many years.

Contact Dr. Damerau, your Palm Beach Gardens cosmetic dentist.