Tooth Colored Fillings

Tooth Colored Fillings
Tooth Colored Fillings 2018-04-14T13:06:11+00:00

Project Description

Fillings That Blend with Your Natural Teeth

Tooth-colored fillings are created to match the natural color and shade of your teeth. Fillings crafted from composite materials are a lasting restorative treatment.

The materials used in tooth-colored fillings bond to the surface of your tooth. This process saves you time with a less tooth preparation during treatment.

Your fillings made from tooth-colored materials are also effective near your gum tissue. The areas between your front teeth plus the chewing surface of your tooth can be treated as well.

Tooth-colored fillings can replace unattractive silver (amalgam) fillings. This is a healthier solution and will improve your appearance.

Your fillings can be custom-shaded to match your surrounding teeth. This helps create a more consistent appearance.

Contact Dr. Damerau, your Palm Beach Gardens restorative dentist.